The two time Grammy nominated producer Prince Damons is here again with his new album “Believe in His Promise” with the Gospel Recording artist Mighty Men of Faith. The artists of ‘Mighty Men of Faith‘-Wendell Bassey, Charles Johnson, Rev.Ed Prothro-Harris and Rev. Richard Hayes are known for the music which is a blend of traditional and contemporary gospel music. Through this genre of Christian music which includes praise and worship, the Mighty Men of Faith want to evoke the feeling of spiritual fever, change lives of ordinary peoples and have lasting spiritual effect on them. these group of artists have released three albums before and have been nominated and awarded for many of their songs. Unlike any other artists, The Mighty Men of Faiths are known for establishing a direct connection with god through their songs.

“Believe in his Promise”, as the name itself suggest is an urge to the people to have faith in the Lord and to believe in
the promises he has made to you., this album is surely one of the pieces that would be able to evoke the feeling of faith among common people and would definitely leave the people think about the existence of lord and his magics, whosoever was not in favor of worshiping god till now.

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